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Explain difference between Google search console and Google analytics , as I am 5 year old Kid 😁😁😁

 Imagine you have a lemonade stand on a busy street corner. Both Google Search Console and Google Analytics help you understand how well it's doing, but they focus on different things: Search Console: This is like your spyglass ! It lets you see how many people are finding your stand by looking on Google Maps, just like if your spyglass could see people walking and noticing your stand. It tells you: How easy it is for people to find your stand: If the street is blocked or your sign is hidden, people might miss it! Similarly, Search Console shows if there are any issues making it hard for Google to find your website. What words people use to find you: Do they search for "best lemonade" or "cold drinks near me"? Search Console tells you which keywords people use to find your website, helping you understand what attracts them. How many people click on your stand's sign: Even if they see your stand, they might not stop. Search Console shows how many people c

Explain Datorama/Marketing Cloud Intelligence in SMFC, as I am 5 year old Kid 😁😁😁

Imagine you have a gigantic box filled with all sorts of toys and games: cars, dolls, building blocks, everything! But it's all messy and mixed up, making it hard to find what you want. Datorama/Marketing Cloud Intelligence is like a magical sorting machine for all your marketing stuff! Think of your marketing stuff as the toys:  This includes things like website visits, email opens, and how many people saw your funny ad. Just like your toys, this information can be scattered and confusing. The sorting machine organizes things:  Datorama takes all that marketing information and puts it in neat categories, just like sorting your toys by type or color. It makes it easy to see what's going on and where to find it. It shows you cool pictures:  Imagine the sorting machine showing you pictures instead of just words. Datorama uses graphs and charts to make the information easy to understand, even for grown-ups who might not like reading a lot. It helps you make decisions:  Just

Explain Data Extension in SMFC, as I am 5 year old Kid 😁😁😁

  Imagine you have a big box filled with all your favorite toys! Each toy has its own special information, like its name, color, and who you got it from. A Data Extension in SFMC is like another box, but instead of toys, it holds information about people. Each person is like a toy:  They have their own details, like their name, email address, and maybe even their favorite color (just like your toys!). The box holds lots of toys (people):  You can have many different Data Extensions, each with different groups of people, kind of like having different boxes for different types of toys. The information is special:  This information helps you send special messages and offers to the right people, just like knowing your friend's favorite color helps you pick the perfect gift! So, Data Extensions in SFMC help keep track of all the different people you want to reach and their special information, so you can send them the best messages and offers, just like having different boxes helps you

Explain robots.txt as I am 5 year old Kid 😁😁😁

Imagine your house has lots of different rooms, each with something special inside. A robots.txt file is like a sign on your door that tells robots which rooms they can visit and which ones are off-limits. Open rooms:  If a robot sees "allow" on the sign, it knows it can explore that room and look around, just like how search engines can visit and learn about certain pages on your website. Closed rooms:  If the sign says "disallow," it's like telling the robot, "No peeking! This room is private," just like how the robots.txt file can tell search engines not to visit specific pages on your website, maybe because they're unfinished or not meant for the public. So, the robots.txt file helps keep your website organized and private, just like you wouldn't want robots going through your bedroom or secret hideout!

How to run Facebook ads in simple steps?

To run Facebook ads, you can follow these steps: 1- Set up a Facebook Business Manager account: Visit and create a new account or log in to an existing one. This will serve as the central hub for managing your Facebook ads. 2- Create a Facebook Page: If you don't already have a Facebook Page for your business or organization, create one. This will be linked to your ads and serve as a destination for users who click on your ads. 3- Define your advertising objectives: Determine the goals you want to achieve with your Facebook ads. Facebook offers various objectives such as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales. Choose the one that aligns with your campaign goals. 4- Create a Facebook ad campaign: Within your Business Manager account, navigate to Ads Manager. Click on "Create" to start a new campaign. Choose your objective, select the appropriate campaign settings, and give your campaign a name. 5- Def

List of Google Search ranking updates

This page lists the latest ranking updates made to Google Search that are relevant to website owners. To learn more about how Google makes improvements to Search and why we share updates, check out our blog post on  How Google updates Search . You can also find more updates about Google Search on  our blog . Ranking updates release history December 14,  2022 Released  the December 2022  link spam update . This update is global and affects all languages. The rollout may take up to two weeks to complete. December 5,  2022 Released the December 2022  helpful content update , which improves our classifier and works across content globally in all languages. The rollout may take up to two weeks to complete. October 19,  2022 Released the October 2022  spam update . This update is global and affects all languages. The rollout was complete as of October 21, 2022. September 20,  2022 Released the September 2022  product reviews update . This update applies to English-language product reviews. T

Best SEO Trends in 2022 which will work for your website

  SEO Trends 2022 As every year, hundreds of articles on digital marketing trends and predictions flood the news sections.  The slightest mention of Google's algorithm captures the attention of SEO professionals , although the reality is that in recent months we have not witnessed any disruptive changes. The reason for this becomes obvious once we review the "news", as they all follow in the wake of the previous year (and the year before that, and the year before that...). Google has made it pretty clear, but are we listening? Also Read: One of the powerful SEO strategies ever What do search engines want, and especially Google? This is the million-dollar question. Search engines work as follows:  they crawl all the links available to them, create a huge index and decide by means of a secret algorithm how to sort what they have found . When you search for something, the search engine in question will offer you the links that best match your request. If you search for "